Plan With Purpose
Organizations must stay true to their core purpose. This is the reason an organization exists and is everlasting. Pondera keeps this at the center of all facilitated planning efforts because it guides all decisions about what is most important.
We act as outside facilitators that ensure a quality planning process occurs from start to finish. The planning process is inclusive and provides all critical stakeholders a voice and an opportunity to influence it. Focus is paid to revisiting or clarifying why the organization exists, the non-negotiable core values of the organization, simply defining the business, identifying what is most critical to achieving success, deciding what is most important right now, and who is responsible to do what.
The inclusive process captures the hearts of employees and critical stakeholders and taps into their discretionary effort that cannot be demanded out of them. When your employees are fully engaged, your entire company benefits because employees know they have been heard and are seen as important partners in the planning process. This dramatically increases the probability of plans being implemented. In addition, Pondera focuses on identifying the undiscussables within an organization so the issues that are at the heart of an organization are surfaced and given focus. We facilitate organizations by creating extremely detailed action plans that provide guidance into an Implementation Schedule and Budget. Finally, we provide outside accountability on an ongoing basis to ensure the plans are implemented and do not become a dusty, forgotten binder on the shelf.